Prof. Catherine MCBRIDE
Purdue University
Board Member and Former President (2016 - 2020)
Professor Catherine McBride is a developmental psychologist and the Associate Dean for Research for the Social Sciences Faculty at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She specializes in reading development and impairment across cultures and has published papers on a variety of topics including parenting, creativity, child abuse, peer relations, and children's literacy development. The author of approximately 168 peer-reviewed journal articles, 19 book chapters, and three books, Professor McBride has also done a variety of work as an editor. In previous years, she served as an Associate Editor for three journals, including APA’s Developmental Psychology, Journal of Research in Reading, and also for one encyclopedia(International Journal for the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition—forthcoming), Currently, she serves as an Associate Editor for Reading and Writing, as well as for the International Journal of Behavioral Development. Professor McBride is a Fellow for the Association for Psychological Science and the Past-President for the international Society for the Scientific Study of Reading. She has served on the editorial boards of more than eight journals, including Psychological Science, Journal of Educational Psychology, Annals of Dyslexia, and Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.